Open Education Policy Lab

We aim at supporting Higher Education Institutions and Consortia in co-creating Open Education Policies using a solid evidence based approach. By using policy making toolkits and a co-creation methodology, we build capacities across a wide range of stakeholders to enable them with the skills needed to actively participate in the different stages of policymaking, such as setting an agenda, policy development, policy formulation and policy implementation.

We do work in policy evaluation towards improving their Open Education policies and strategies and we collaborate with projects such as the Open Education Policy Hub, the Open Education Policy Registry and with the Open Policy Education Network .

We have contributed in the Policy Approaches to Open Education – Case Studies from 28 EU Member States (OpenEdu Policies) study published by the JRC, and have published a book called Open Education Policies: Guidelines for co-creation.

If you want to read more about our work, please see the following summaries of our activities.

On the trail of OE policy co-creation

A review of the OE policy landscape and OE Policy Lab update
